Service Agreement Terms & Conditions
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Our services are subject to 10% GST.
Variations to the design, plans or documentation which require reassessment, or the issue of a new Complying Development Certificate (CDC) or Construction Certificate (CC), will be subject to additional costs where appropriate.
- Minor modifications to CC and CDC Applications are subject to a fee of 30% of the original assessment fee or $200 plus GST, whichever is the greater.
- Major modifications to CC and CDC Applications are subject to a fee of 50% of the original assessment fee or $300 plus GST, whichever is the greater.
Additional NSW Planning Portal lodgement and application fees will be required for Modified CC or CDC Applications.
For Complying Development applications lodged for properties in Greater Sydney, a 14-day Neighbour Notification prior to approval may be required in accordance with Section 134 of the EP&A Regulation 2021. This applies to new Dwellings, Secondary Dwellings, Alterations and Additions to a Dwelling, Group Homes or Demolition. A fee of $100 + GST will apply where this notification is to be completed.
Hourly Rates
Any work that may be required to be completed post lodgement and/or outside the specified scope of works will be charged at the following hourly rates:
- Clerical / Administration: $90.00 / hour
- Building Inspector – $120 / hour
- Building Certifier – Restricted (Class 1 & 10): $150 / hour
- Building Certifier – Restricted (All classes of buildings): $200 / hour
- Building Certifier – Unrestricted: $250 / hour
Payment Terms
In accordance with Part 5, Clause 29 of the Building and Development Certifiers Regulation 2020, and your acceptance of this fee agreement, payment shall be received in full at the time of initial lodgement of an application. Developments not completed within 24 months of the date of an approval will be subject to additional fees to extend the certification contract for that portion of the services still outstanding.
Agreed Terms
Lodgement of an application with Buildcert confirms your acceptance of our fee agreement. The fee agreement will be reviewed at the commencement of a new financial year.
Critical stage inspection numbers have been quoted based on an estimate for the development type. Our quote includes the number of inspections nominated in the fee schedule. Additional inspections may be charged where this is exceeded, or re-inspections are required, and will be invoiced separately.
Occupation Certificates
This Fee Agreement includes the issue of one Occupation Certificate for each project which will be the first Occupation Certificate issued. If additional/further Occupation Certificates are requested, they will be invoiced at that time (including any required additional inspection/s and NSW Planning Portal fees).
Long Service Levy
Long Service Levy is a NSW Government fee which is payable for building and construction projects valued at $250,000 and above. Payment is required prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate. The Levy is calculated at 0.25% of the construction value and should be paid online at the Long Service Corporation.
Our Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance policies are available on request.
Review and incorporation of a Performance Solution into an Approval. Fee’s will be quoted per project.
Ending the Agreement
Should a project be cancelled, or our services be discontinued, a partial refund may be payable, calculated on the basis of a percentage of the services completed. Please notify us via email at the earliest time possible or call us on 1300 457 400.