CDC Pre-Assessment

The Complying Development Certificate (CDC) Pre-Assessment process is an important first step in determining whether your proposed development can be approved quickly and easily without needing to go through a full Development Application (DA) with the local council. Below is a brief explanation of the CDC Pre-Assessment process and the benefits of partnering with Buildcert tio assist with your CDC Pre-Assessment.

The first step in the CDC Pre-Assessment process is to review your development plans to see if they meet the criteria for Complying Development. Complying Development is a fast-track approval process for straightforward projects, like certain home renovations or small commercial developments, that comply with specific planning rules. If your plans meet all these rules, you can get a CDC, which means you won’t need a Council DA, saving you time and effort.

One of Buildcert’s expert certifiers will carefully examine your plans against the relevant State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) and local planning controls. They will look at things like the size of your development, its location, and how it fits within zoning and setback requirements. If your plans don’t meet these standards, the certifier will inform you that a Council DA is required instead. This process helps you avoid the lengthy and potentially costly DA process if your project doesn’t qualify.

  • Speed: Engaging Buildcert for your CDC pre-assessment can significantly speed up the approval process. Unlike a Council DA, which can take months, a CDC can be obtained in as little as 20 days.
  • Certainty: The pre-assessment gives you clarity early on, so you know whether to proceed with your plans as a CDC or if you need to rethink them to avoid delays and added costs.
  • Cost-Effective: By knowing upfront if your project qualifies as Complying Development, you can avoid the costs associated with a full DA process, including additional design fees, council fees, and potential delays.
  • Streamlined Process: Buildcert will provide you with personalised service and guidance throughout the process.
Complete the form below if you would like Buildcert to undertake a CDC Pre-Assessment of your plans to determine whether Complying Development approval is possible (i.e. Council DA is not required). For further information on Complying Development, please visit the NSW Planning Portal.
  • Please provide copy of plans and Section 10.7 (previously known as Section 149) Planning Certificate from Council (if possible).
  • Drop files here or
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      Please note that there is a size limit of 20MB (megabytes) for each file. Any files which exceed the size limit will not be uploaded. You may upload up to 4 files.