Building Certification News

Commencement of National Construction Code 2019 on 1st May 2019

The 2019 edition of the National Construction Code (which incorporates the Building Code of Australia and Plumbing Code of Australia) commenced on the 1st of May 2019, signifying the NCC 2019 is given legal effect by relevant legislation in each State and Territory. Applications for a Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate lodged with the certifying authority on or after 1 May 2019 will need to be assessed against NCC 2019.

Essential information you need to know

Key Changes

NCC 2019 contains a significant number of changes across all Volumes.

Some of the key changes to the Code include:

  • New Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions for fire sprinkler systems in multi-storey residential (Class 2 and 3 buildings) of 4 or more storeys and up to 25 metres in effective height.
  • Additional Performance Requirements have been quantified and new Verification Methods included.
  • New requirements for accessible adult changing facilities.
  • New provisions for occupiable outdoor areas.
  • Expansion of the mid-rise timber provisions to include other classes of buildings.
  • New provisions for condensation management.
  • Enhanced energy efficiency provisions.
  • New and improved Acceptable Construction Practices in Volume Two.

Transition period

For NCC 2019, a 12 month transitional period ending 30 April 2020 applies to the energy efficiency provisions in Section J of Volume One and Parts 2.6 and 3.12 of Volume Two. During this time either the new NCC 2019 provisions or those from NCC 2016 may be used.

Delayed adoption

The new Fire Safety Verification Method (FSVM) will not be adopted from 1 May, 2019. Instead, a delayed adoption date of 1 May 2020 will apply. Keep an eye on the ABCB website as we release more information about how we are helping practitioners prepare for using the new FSVM.

Consolidated Performance Requirements

For NCC 2019 the Consolidated Performance Requirements will not be released as a separate document. You can access the Performance Requirements for each Volume by choosing the ‘Filter by’ option located at the top of the Table of Contents within NCC online.

Staying informed

Editions of the National Construction Code – Listed on this website are all the editions of the National Construction Code (NCC). 

The Australian Building Codes Board has also produced a range of guidance materials to support the implementation of NCC 2019 which can be accessed via the Australian Building Codes Board website.