Building Certification News
Requirement for Soil Classification Reports – NSW dwellings
Thinking of changing your landscaping plans? Learn how to stay compliant with Buildcert and ensure your dream landscape meets approval requirements. While modifying your landscaping plans post-approval is possible, it's crucial to remember the strict conditions associated with your Complying Development Certificate (CDC).
Navigating the top 3 challenges in building compliance for residential construction
Are you finding it challenging to keep up with the ever-changing requirements of building compliance? In the world of residential construction, ensuring that every aspect of your project meets the National Construction Code (NCC) standards can feel overwhelming, even for seasoned builders.
Can a change in landscaping plans compromise my approval?
Thinking of changing your landscaping plans? Learn how to stay compliant with Buildcert and ensure your dream landscape meets approval requirements. While modifying your landscaping plans post-approval is possible, it's crucial to remember the strict conditions associated with your Complying Development Certificate (CDC).
Changes to Development Rules surrounding pools and proximity to overhead power lines
There have been some recent changes in the guidelines for pool installation, particularly in front yards, with respect to their proximity to overhead power lines. These changes come as a result of the growing trend of pool installations in front yards, which has prompted a re-evaluation of the safety measures in place.
BCA Update – NCC 2022 Has Commenced
The National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 is due to commence May 1st, 2023, which will supersede the current NCC 2019. The NCC 2022 will apply to all Construction Certificate and Complying Development Certificates Applications lodged after this date. Find out more about the changes here.
Legislative Changes for Classes 3 and 9c Buildings
The NSW Government has expanded its regulations to include Classes 3 and 9c buildings under the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (DBP) and the Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (RAB). Find out more about the changes here.
Building Certifiers and the Building Certification Process
Building certification involves assessing and approving construction projects to ensure they comply with relevant codes and regulations. Building certifiers play a pivotal role by independently reviewing plans, conducting inspections, and issuing certificates of compliance. They help ensure construction projects are safe, sustainable, and adhere to legal standards, promoting public safety and quality construction outcomes.
What is a Complying Development Certificate?
A Complying Development Certificate (CDC) is a combined planning and construction approval for straightforward developments. A CDC can be approved when a proposed development complies with pre-determined development standards set under State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPP). This process allows a fast-track assessment by a certifying authority, which may be either Council or an Accredited Certifier. The purpose of this certificate is to receive assurance that the building works will comply with all relevant legislation and building standards.
What is Exempt Development?
Exempt Development was introduced to NSW in 1993 and allows certain low-impact forms of development to be undertaken without going through the rigorous approvals process. In recent years, the Department of Planning has attempted to promote awareness of exempt development; both exempt development and the similar streamlined-approval process of Complying Development are seen as tools to reduce the demands of numerous development applications. Exempt development is governed by the SEPP, which lists the different forms of exempt development and the specific requirements of each.
What is the Long Service levy?
If you live in New South Wales and have been involved with a building and construction project costing more than $25,000, then you may be familiar with the Long Service levy. Those who are unfamiliar with the levy are often unsure of why the levy exists, whether they are required to pay it or not, and how much it costs. This guide should answer most of your questions about the Long Service levy and will provide you with links to official resources where you can find further information.