A Development Application (DA) is a formal application for development that requires assessment and development consent under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. It is usually submitted to your local council and consists of standard application forms, supporting technical reports and plans.
The NSW government and local Councils have comprehensive and complex requirements for the lodgement of Development Applications. Buildcert can assist you to assess your plans and advise if your project requires a DA or if you may be eligible to proceed with a Complying Development Certificate (CDC).
Prior to lodging a development application (DA) with Council, you need to review planning policies that apply to your land, in order to prepare your plans and supporting documentation. To see what local environmental planning constraints, applicable planning policies and permissible uses apply to your land or property, you can use the New South Wales Government Planning Portal.
If consent is granted for your development, a schedule of conditions will be issued with the notice of determination. The development consent is structured to assist in the project management of the development, and these conditions must be complied with. The conditions should be read in conjunction with the stamped approved plans.
Once a DA has been granted, a Construction Certificate is required to begin construction.